Derris trifoliata  Lour.
Derris trifoliata Lour. 

Climbing much branched shrub or twining habitat, ever green, perennial 
Tap roots deep sunken and without any aerial outgrowth 
Leaves compound, leaf axis upto 15 cm long, pulvinous, terete, green alternate, imparipinnate 
Leaflets elliptic oblong, entire, acuminate, cuneate dark green, coriaceous, dorsiventra, unicostate reticulate venation 
Inflorescence raceme on peduncle 
Flower pedicellate, zygomorphic, bisexual, complete 
Sepals 5, gamosepalous, 5 short lobes above, beneath cup-shaped tube 
Petals 5, polypetalous, vaxillary, one standard, ovate, apical grooved, white pinkish, basal short notched with two edges, curved, two wings, white, two keels 
Stamens 10 (9 + 1), diadelphous, anthers remains free, anther bilobed, basifixed, introse, inserted 
Carpels 2, syncarpous, ovary superior, conical, flattened, single chambered, marginal placentation, Style 1, terminal, stigma absent 
Pods variable in shape, obliquely rounded or orbicular 
Seed soiltary, sub-orbicular, reddish brown 

Economic Importance : Entire plant is used as stimulant, antispasmodic. Bark is used as an alternative in rheumatism.